American Legion Brick Memorial Post 348
Funeral Detail
Post 348 Funeral Detail Members attend and participate in services for a departed Legionnaire.Our Legionnaire members are priviledged to offer a final act of respect to our departed comrades. In order to have a service conducted, the famiy of a departed Legionnaire can request the service from the American Legion Post.
The service begins as the Funeral Detail Members assemble. Two detail members read the service as prescribed by the American Legion. Other members stand shoulder to shoulder to honor the departed Legionnaire. The beautiful message offers comfort to the family while celebrating the life and sacrifice of the soldier who has passed. The service concludes as taps is played and a final salute is delivered to our brother or sister Legionnaire and the detail fies out.
The service takes only a few minutes for detail members, but constitutes a priceless memory for a grieving family. We are reminded that faithful service to our country should never be forgotten. Additional Post 348 members are always sought to participate in this important activity.
Often, there is little notice that a service has been promised to a family, so we are always actively seeking individuals who can be called upon in a time of need.
Brick Post 348
Legion Riders
Funeral Detail
Legion Runners
Veterans Benefits